Prayer Requests

We want to express our gratitude and appreciation to all of you for your support over the past 10 months.  We acknowledge the power of prayer in our lives and how instrumental it is in keeping us strong and steadfast in our mission here. We know that, during the challenging times, we are lifted up in your prayers and that keeps us encouraged more than you know!

As we near the end of our year in Africa, we have been wrestling with what the future looks like for us. Do we stay or do we go? We have been prayerful in considering decisions for our future but would truly appreciate your prayers as well. Below are a few of the specific areas we humbly ask you to keep in your prayers:

  • God’s Direction and Guidance – that we would be prayerful and intentional in seeking His guidance and that we would identify His calling for our lives.
  • Obedience – that wherever God calls us, we would be obedient in going; that we would take “me” or “us” out of the equation and learn to follow Him wholeheartedly and in faith.
  • Peace – that whichever path we decide to take, we would fix our eyes forward and not look back; that our hearts would be filled with a sense of calmness and peace.
  • Grace and Patience – that we would continue to grow in our relationship and learn what it means to extend grace and have patience for each other. 

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